Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Indians Everywhere

A collegue had brought her son to work today. I met them in the corridor and said hello. The kid like all 12 yr olds was shy to answer. When prompted by his mom he also said hello.

I asked him what his name
he said "Aditya"
I said "nice name Aditya" and started to walk away when he tells his mom..... "there are only Indians in your office"

We both started laughing and I said "Fate of the world buddy, can't escape" ;-)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Hikes n Falls

We had a fun long wknd @ yosemite with K's bro's. It was the usual combo of long wknd traffic, hilarious jokes, unending songs and pointless bakwass... :-) all in all we had a great time!

Some things we did......
  1. jumped around in Tanaya Lake [water was cold!]
  2. had darshan of Tulumane Meadows
  3. watched ppl fitter than us climb half dome ;-)
  4. had some really good burger and pizza in Curry village
  5. saw a smoky view of half dome from glacier point
  6. fell into the water @ bridal veil falls
  7. posed for unending number of pics :-P
  8. amazing pani-puri @ Lovely sweets with some great side effects ;-)
Most of all we had a really good time with M&A with silly jokes and timepass stuff. Herez to the next trip when A will drive us back in time for lunch @ Komala Vilas! ;-)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Conversations with lil' T

My 5 yr old nephew is always a great source of joy and fun for us.

We went out to dinner on friday nite with him and his parents. As soon as he meets us his usual request is about when he can have a sleepover at our house. It is so fascinating at that age right? Staying over at someone else's house. I remember how much we used to beg our parents to let us stay overnight at some friend or relative's house :-) Somehow my mom never believed in letting us out of her sight :-P

So I am all the more enthu about having lil'T over and having a fun time with him. So coming back to friday night here is what happened:

It started off on the usual path......
"how are you lil' T?"
"gooood,Can I go home with you?"
"No, not today"
"Cos we are going to a movie after dinner"
"You are alwaaaays going to a movie"
"Can I have a sleepover?"
"bcos we have other plans tomorrow"
"I will neeeevar have a sleepover at ur house"
"No lil T, you can come over next wknd sometime"
"No but that is tooo late....I want to come now" "take me to the movie with you"
"No lil T, it is a scary movie"
"I promise I won't be scared, pleaassseeeee"

This vein of conversation had us in a fix for a few mins there! I was even considering ditching the movie, when his mom jumped in to save the situation by suggesting lil T quit sulking and take a nap. Usually this results in more sulking and a bawling session which promotes sleep!

Strangely enough lil T lied down for a few mins and emerged a changed person after 20 mins! When asked if he was feeling better, he said "my body changed when I was sulking and now it is feeling better!!"

Wonder where kids pick up this stuff?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lose a button......?

Yeyay! after more than an year of mulling and indecision, I have at last accquired a sewing machine! 

Someone had posted a sale flyer at this local desi groups. I went over and checked it out. Turned out to be a simple and nice model. The lady who was selling it was such a sweetheart! When she found out that I had not used a sewing machine ever before she gave me a Sewing 101 lesson :-D We even tried out a buttonhole!!!!!!!!! I am sooo thrilled :-D
She didnt have a manual to go with it, but K took care of that and promptly found one online. K is my hero!

Hopefully now all those little alterations I wanted to do will happen.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Other Life

After more than 2 years of hiatus I have decided to start blogging again. I want to keep this a simple and fun blog to share daily events, anecdotes, thoughts, movie reviews and maybe even some recipes! basically whatever strikes my fancy at the time. 

Hope you have fun catching up!